Маска за лице „Pumpkin Wannabe“
Лесна маска с аромат на есен за озаряване, почистване, нежно ексфолиране и хидратация.
Последвайте ни за още лесни и бързи рецепти за ръчна козметика само с чисти съставки, създадени с внимание към детайлите и свойствата на всяка от тях!

Facial Mask „Pumpkin Wannabe“
Easy to prepare face mask with the scent of autumn to brighten, cleanse, gently exfoliate and hydrate.
120 ml distilled water
20 g unrefined shea butter
16 g pumpkin seeds oil
12 g olivem emulsifier
30 g natural white clay powder
1 g organic vegetable glycerin
1 g natural cosmetic preservative
1 g organic ground turmeric
In a water bath, heat the oils with the emulsifier (oil phase) in one vessel and the distilled water with the glycerin (water phase) in another. Once the oils are completely melted and both vessels are at the same temperature from top to bottom, pour the water phase into the oil phase gradually, stirring constantly. After a certain time a homogeneous mixture should be obtained. When the mixture is ready and slightly cooled, add the preservative and the clay and stir again.
How to use:
Apply to clean skin, any time of day, to brighten, cleanse, gently exfoliate and hydrate. After application, wait 10 minutes and wash off with cool water. Easy formula, allergen free, can be stored in refrigerator if desired.
The recipe does not contain allergens.
Find the ingredients for this recipe at our Zoya Cosmetic Shop – 12 Dobrudzha St., Sofia, Zoya Shop 3 – 2 Angel Kanchev 2 St., Sofia or online:
Follow us for more easy recipes for DIY cosmetics only with pure ingredients. Made with special care for each ingredient and its effects!
Рецепта: Вероника / Зоя.БГ
Снимки: Михаела / Зоя.БГ
Графичен дизайн: Михаела / Зоя.БГ
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